Millenium International Documentary Film Festival

‘A Syrian Love Story - Sean McAllister’

25 Mar.'16
- 18:30

Preceded by a masterclas with Sean McAllister

18h30 - 19h45 Master class The lonely life of the self shooting documentary film maker

20h00 A Syrian Love Story - Sean McAllister
Comrades and lovers Amer and Raghda met in a Syrian prison cell 15 years ago. When Sean McAllister first meets their family in 2009, Raghda is back in prison leaving Amer to look after their 4 boys alone; but as the ‘Arab Spring’ sweeps the region, the family’s fate shifts irrevocably. Filmed over 5 years, the film charts their incredible odyssey to political freedom.




Millenium International Documentary Film Festival 2016

Practical information



Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS


  • Subtitles: English French