VRT - Canvas

‘SS or IS: what can we learn from the past?’

5 Dec.'17
- 20:00

In the wake of the Kinderen van de collaboratie series, Canvas, in association with BOZAR, presents a debate on Tuesday 5 December entitled: SS of IS, wat te leren uit het verleden? (SS or IS, what can we learn from the past?)
A topic which unites historians and (de)radicalisation experts in debate. Are there parallels to be drawn with the past? Are there grounds to compare the radicalisation of then and now? What action did the government take to ‘de-nazify’ the collaborators, and might the same methods apply to the fighters returning from Syria today.

Christophe Busch (Kazerne Dossin), Rudi Vranckx (VRT), Lore Colaert (Flemish Peace Institute), Koen Aerts (UGent) and others look for answers to these questions. The debate is moderated by Annelies Beck, the presenter of the current affairs programme Terzake.

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