‘Speculative Futures Salon’
Past event
26 Apr.'19
- 17:00
The future is post-human and noisy. What do performances on the limits of the human body teach us? What are the insights generated by exploring earth systems? Or from exploring the digital world? What do observations from the intersection of law and computer science add to the ongoing discourse?
17:00 Welcome by Marleen Wynants (Crosstalks)
17:05 Stelarc (Performance arts)
17:25 Mireille Hildebrandt (Law & Philosophy, VUB)
17:45 Break
18:00 Raphaël Stevens (writer, curator Tendencies ‘19)
18:10 Kris Verdonck (Visual arts, theatre, architecture) tbc
18:20 Jerry Galle (Digital arts)
18:30 Open discussion
The Speculative Futures Salon kicks off the expo Tendencies '19. The Overview Effect. At 19:30, participants of the salon are invited to the opening of this expo in BOZAR, Rotonde Bertouille & BOZAR LAB.
Practical information
The 23
rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BrusselsLanguage
- English
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