‘Soviet Hippies - Terje Toomistu’

6 Dec.'17
- 21:00

Estonia on Film

Peace, Love and Freedom! A wild flower power ride on the footprints of the Soviet hippie movement take you into the psychedelic underground of 1970s. In search of freedom and happiness under the thumb of political regimes a colorful crowd of artists, musicians, freaks, vagabonds and other long-haired drop-outs created their own system in the Soviet Union. Years later, a group of eccentric hippies from Estonia take a road journey to Moscow where people still gather annually on the 1st of June to commemorate a tragic event in 1971, when thousands of hippies were arrested by the KGB.

Director Terje Toomistu - In the presence of the director
is an Estonian documentary filmmaker with a background in anthropology. Her work often draws from various cross-cultural processes, queer realities and cultural memory. She holds double MA degrees (cum laude) in Ethnology and in Media and Communication from University of Tartu, where she is currently pursuing a PhD degree in anthropology. In 2013-2014, she was also a Fulbright fellow in UC Berkeley, U.S. Together with Estonian artist Kiwa, she curated a multimedia exhibition about Soviet hippies, which has been exhibited in museums and galleries internationally.

Practical information



Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS

PASS 10€ for the four screenings

November - Rainer Sarnet (6/12)
Soviet Hippies - Terje Toomistu
The Days that Confused - Triin Ruumet (7/12)
Pretenders - Vallo Toomla (7/12)