14 + 15

If Orientations is a portrait of Tunis reflected in a glass filled with ink, Foyer seems to be a projection without film, where the only visible thing is a palpitating white screen. Voices accompany this emptiness: they are spoken by people who approach the artist at work on the film, questioning him about what he is doing. The camera becomes a foyer around which to listen and discuss, recording the impressions of a city after the revolution. The opacity created by Ismaïl Bahri – currently living between Tunis and Paris – reveals more than images might do. In his movies, he creates micro events that question the conditions for their visibility, disclosing the possibility for a new vision.

During his first presence in Brussels, Bahri composes a programme of three recent films, diving into the language of cinema, and drawing a hypothetical line between the unstable quietness of Tunis before and after the revolution.


Source (2016, 8 min)
Orientations (2010, 20 min)
Foyer (2016, 32 min)


Presentation Kunstenfestivaldesarts, BOZAR
Production Spectre Productions & La Fabrique Phantom
Producer Olivier Marboeuf
Associated producer Cédric Walter

Practical information


  • Arabic
  • Subtitles: English French

Source (Ismaïl Bahri, 2016, 8')

Orientations (Ismaïl Bahri, 2010, 20')

Foyer (Ismaïl Bahri, 2016, 32')

In the framework of