‘On site/En cité’

9 May →
28 July'19

Thomas More Kempen

Twelve students from the Thomas More teacher training college in Vorselaar examined what it means to become a teacher in a rapidly changing society. Accompanied by culture expert Lode Vermeersch they explored the meaning and power of images in education and the importance of being able to understand these pictures. They reviewed the concept of 'identity' and reflected on their position as teachers in a world and a city that must reinvent itself every day. Artist and theatre maker Simon Allemeersch joined them as they met first year pupils at the Sint-Aloysius primary school in Antwerp North, enriching the project with his view on co-creation and urbanisation. The students transformed all these impressions, ideas and experiences into an installation of sound and video. The result offers a reflection on education as well as on today’s society and today's future.

Young participants: Evelien Bomhals, Stephanie Geuens, Emma-Laura Paulussen, Kato Wittebrood, Nore Maes, Jordy Michiels, Charlotte Peeraer, Valesca Rymenants, Lawrence Cortebeeck, Stef Leenaerts, Hannah Peeters, Jirka Van Rooy (& Koen Cools, Joke Klaassen: supervisors)
Artist: Simon Allemeersch 
Expert: Lode Vermeersch
European partner: De Bildungacademie – Amsterdam
Theme: The teachers of tomorrow, identity, culture and world citizenship
Final output: Audio and video installation

Practical information

With thanks to Basisschool Sint Aloysius, Antwerpen Noord/Seefhoek