‘Singing Brussels - Hymn to our City’

21 May'17
- 15:00

“A thousand voices singing together overwhelm the individual flaws”, wrote Thomas More. This is exactly what this participative concert - which promises to be the highlight of the Singing Brussels Celebration Weekend - is all about. On this occasion, an immense choir, made up of the public, 350 amateur choristers, professional singers, choir leaders and in music academy pupils, will sing an ode to the city, diversity and unity. Under the title Hymn to our City, this programme - a world premiere by the famous British vocal ensemble VOCES8 - brings together hymns by Bach, Britten and Beethoven, and pieces which have been specially written for this event by Paul Smith, Roger Treece and Bobby McFerrin. And as Paul Smith, member of VOCES8 and choir leader of this concert puts it: “We are unique, and yet together we are one.”


To add your voice to those of the huge choir brought together for the occasion, take part in the workshop “Hymn to our City” (1:30 – 2:10 pm, Henry Le Bœuf Great Hall), led by the singers of VOCES8!

Practical information

More info : wenke.minne@bozar.be of 02 507 82 37
Download scores and audios here

Monday 15.05 

Sunday 21.05 
10:00-12:00 Rehearsal
15:00-16:00 Concert