Koor&Stem vzw, organisatie voor vocale muziek
Fédération Chorale Wallonie Bruxelles « A Cœur Joie » Brussels Region

‘Singing Brussels Celebration week-end’

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Bring the city to life with the sound of your voices, during the Singing Brussels Celebration Weekend. The weekend consists of two days of workshops, singing sessions and festive concerts with no less than thirty different choirs, performing the most beautiful works of polyphonic music, in the most diverse styles from early music to classical, pop, world music etc.
A major concert dedicated to City of Diversity, the new vocal work by the Belgian musician Baudouin de Jaer depicting the sounds of Brussels, will bring an end to the first day of the weekend. Sixteen Belgian choirs will join forces with the British vocal octet VOCES8, the slam artist Max Greyson and the Italian singer Morena Brindisi to transform the Henry Le Bœuf Hall into a veritable sound city. You too can add your voice to the ensemble, but first you should familiarise yourself with the music and lyrics of Cities of Diversities, with the aid of the scores below.
On the Sunday, five hundred pupils from Brussels primary schools will close the Singing Brussels Celebration Weekend, and the musical project Cantania, with a stunning show which combines choreography, hand-made costumes and all manner of accessories.

The Singing Brussels Celebration Weekend is organised within the context of Singing Brussels, a project that aims to get the whole city singing throughout the year.

With the support of the ENGIE Foundation and the Flemish Minister responsible for Brussels.



Practical information


BOZAR/Centre for Fine Arts

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 Brussels