‘Singing Brussels Celebration goes live’

7 June'20
- 10:00

Live workshops & Sing-Along

The world needs positive energy. Sing and make your voice heard in this (slightly unusual) new edition of Singing Brussels Celebration. BOZAR invites you to take part in singing, rhythm and breathing workshops, live on Facebook for a single day. The aim: to stay united, despite the distance. The workshops are open to all. 

Workshops programme

As the highlight of the Singing Brussels Celebration, we invite all the Europe to take part in our Live, Love, Sing! action on 7 June at 8.05pm on the dot! The idea is simple: tune in your radio and with the first bars of The Beatles’ Here Comes the Sun, go to your window or onto your doorstep and sing out to your neighbours. Film yourself and send us the video. Let us enjoy this moment of togetherness and joy! So live, love, sing!

How can I participate? More info here

Please find the aftermovie below. Thanks to all the participants for this fantastic virtual choir!​​​​​​​

Practical information


Kids’ Palace


At home




The initiative is taking place under patronage of Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth.


Thanks also to : European Commission - Directorate General Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, Creative Europe, Europa Cantat, European Music Council, European Festivals Association, European Foundation Centre, TENSO network, Interkultur, World Choir Games, ECHO, REMA-EEMN, Classical Future Europe, À Coeur Joie International (RDC, Togo, Gabon, France, Belgique, Allemagne, Suisse, Angleterre, Roumanie, Canada - Québec & Nouveau Brunswick, Maroc, Côte d’Ivoire, Sénégal), Universidad de Murcia (ES), FECOREM Murcia (ES), AEDCORO (ES), St. John’s Smith Square (UK), Philharmonie du Luxembourg (LUX), INECC Lorraine (FR), INECC Luxembourg (LUX), IFCM, ZONZO Compagnie (BE), Teatru Manoel (MALTA), British Beatles Fan Club (UK), Union Grand-Duc Adolphe (LUX), Hellenic Choirs Association (GR), Legato e.V. -  European Association of LGBTQ+ Choirs (DE), ZIMIHC (NL), Arbeitskreis Musik in der Jugend (AMJ), Beatlesiani d’Italia Associati IT), Goodenough College (UK), Norway Sings / Hele Norge Synger (NO), Little Armenian Singers (ARM), Den Jyske Sangskole (DK), Dirigentenwerkplaats (NL), Choral Connections (UK), Balk (NL), , Kidsgazette (BE), Greek National Opera (GR), Allez, chantez (BE), ENGIE, SIGIC - Slovenski glasbenoinformacijski center (SI), Public Fund of Cultural Activities (SI), Eesti Kontsert (EE), Krafttak for sang (NO), Artlink (SR), Chorforum Wien (AT), de Singel (BE), Concertgebouw Brugge (BE), Askonas Holt (UK / DE), MUNDO ASBL (BE), Deutscher Chorverband PUERI CANTORES e.V. (DE), Netherlands Beatles Fan Club (NL), Urban Center Brussel (BE).