Belgian National Orchestra

‘SING! 3.0’

15 Mar. →
30 June'21

Primary school (2nd and 3rd level)

Sing 3.0 is coming to your classroom! This interactive concert would normally take place on 2 and 3 March in BOZAR, but due to the uncertain circumstances, we are changing course this year.

With Sing 3.0, your pupils can make their voices heard and sing along with great symphonic works. For the occasion, music coaches from Jeugd en Muziek Brussel or Jeunesses Musicales Bruxelles will come to your class to rehearse the melodies and movements with the children.


Thanks to this activity, the pupils will be able to:

  • Learn through independent activity and having fun 
  • Get to know famous symphonies through singing
Sterre De Raedt
concept & realisation
Yaiza Navarro
concept & realisation

Practical information


Bozar/Centre for Fine Arts

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 Brussels



Primary Education

This activity is sold out, but you can now make a reservation for Sing 4.0 in 2022.


Info: visit our Education page and the FAQ or contact us via