‘Short films selected at Magritte, part one’

27 Dec.'16
- 17:00

BE Film Festival

A L’ARRACHÉ d’Emmanuelle Nicot (22'50")

Raïssa and Alio are bound by a strong friendship, sharing the same room in a foster home for several years. One day, Raïssa discovers an upsetting news : her friend abruptly left the scene without warning. When she finds out Alio in a complicated situation, Raïssa decides to take the lead and restore order in her friend’s life.

LA VALSE MECANIQUE de Julien Dykmans (5'47")

One gloomy and rainy morning, the people of the small puppets trudge off to work. Just like every day, the same routine is repeated, but their gazes never meet. Are they aware that their every movement is entirely controlled and carefully monitored? It is high time that things change. Just one spark and their eyes open...

LES DAUPHINES de Juliette Klinke (13')

Béa, unemployed, sublets her apartment to make ends meet. This weekend, she is taking her two daughters to a beauty contest where her younger daughter is competing,  and on whom Béa projects her need to succeed.

DE LONGUES VACANCES de Caroline Nugues-Bourchat (15'54")

This summer, Louise experiences for the first time the joys of the seaside. Her father tells her the story of Elga, a mermaid who couldn’t sing. But that story might well be her father’s.

COMPLICES de Mathieu Mortelmans (30')

Philippe works as a judge at the criminal court. He is a respectable family man but has a complicated relationship with his 19-year-old son Hugues. One night, after a party, Hugues commits a deadly hit and run while driving home drunk. To protect his only son, Philippe chooses to cover up the evidence that implicates his son in the accident. He lies to his wife and friends. As time goes by, Philippe, who seems to be stuck in between his values as a judge and his role as a father, finds out more details about the accident and starts regretting the choice he made…

In the presence of Mathieu Mortelmans (director Complices), Evelyne Demaude and Elise Havelange (actresses Les Dauphines)

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