Un Soir... Un Grain

‘Short Films selected for the Magritte – 1’

27 Dec.'15
- 14:00

Dernière porte au Sud by Sacha Feiner – 15min

The world is made of floors linked together by stairs. The floors are made up of rooms linked together by corridors. And when you put together all the floors, you have the world”. Such is the theory elaborated by Toto, friend and second head of Siamese twin of a child whose mother has locked away in the huge family manor, where he has been walled-in since birth. Between exploring the endless corridors, private lessons and visits to their father’s mausoleum, the brothers have never questioned the limits of this World. Until the day when,  obsessed by a strange light they accidently glimpsed at, they swear to find its end…

Tout va bien by Laurent Scheid – 9min40

A few days ago, Raphaël, a man without a story, received his charge sheet. As this is a short sentence, he has to be sent back immediately back to his home waiting for his ankle monitor. He decided not to tell anyone, not even his girlfriend Sylvia.

Grouillons-nous by Margot Reumont – 3min20

At the rush hour, a fruit crowd hurries into the subway to the beat of the music until its terminus: the supermarket.

La légende dorée by Olivier Smolders – 25 min

Collector of cursed musicians, unreasonable murderers, fairground freaks, paranoid revolutionaries, flatulists and suicidal hermits, a psychiatric patient presents a gallery of the historic figures he is haunted by.

Tranche de Campagne by Hannah Letaïf – 6min41

A sunny day in the country. A family of animals find a good place for a picnic. Nearby, another animal is grazing peacefully. But the bucolic atmosphere of this picnic rapidly degenerates.

Jay parmi les hommes by Zeno Graton – 27 min

To please his father, and win the love he lacks, Jay, 14, has to become a man and find a girlfriend. Forcing his entry into the violent territory of men, Jay will try to forget that he’s still a child.

Kijé by Joanna Lorho – 8min20

At dusk, as the city freezes and falls into silence, a man finds himself caught in a strange celebration. He spends the night in the middle of a crowd made of enigmatic and curious/strange characters that is going to disappear before dawn.

Lucha libre by Ann Sirot & Raphaël Balboni – 12min

Jean and Aurélie, as many other couples, often trample across the swamps of love quarrels, where they encounter bad faith, unending argumentation, overreaction, stuborn silences, crying, shouting, etc. Jean and Aurélie are also the scientists of their own fights.

Practical information


Hall M

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS

€18 to 14 december, €25 from 15 december
