Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten Antwerpen
Royal Academy of Arts, London

‘Sensation and Sensuality. Rubens and his legacy’

25 Sept.'14 →
4 Jan.'15

Rubens was the Quentin Tarantino of his day, making Flanders one of the world’s foremost regions for painting. The Flemish master-painter developed his own personal style, crafting scenes that exuded lust and were marked by violence, as well as compassion and elegance. These themes inspired artists all over the world for many centuries to come. In this unique exhibition by BOZAR, in collaboration with the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp and the Royal Academy of Arts in London you can rediscover the work of this indomitable genius that has withstood the test of time as well as that of his heirs. You can also see canvases by Van Dyck, Watteau, Delacroix, Manet and Kokoschka as well as engravings by Rembrandt and Picasso.

Curator: Nico Van Hout (Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp)

Under the High Patronage of their Majesties the King and Queen

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