‘Scherzi Musicali & Nicolas Achten’

9 Apr.'24
- 20:00

Leçons de ténèbres

The Lamentations of the prophet Jeremiah occupy a prominent place in the French musical works of the 18th century. As theatres are closed during Holy Week, composers draw a highly expressive material from this biblical text, which offers virtuoso opera singers a most exhilarating and sacred playground. François Couperin made history with his famous triptych of Leçons de Ténèbres. Among his successors, the Brussels residents Joseph-Hector Fiocco and Charles-Joseph Van Helmont combined the inspiration infused by Couperin with their language steeped in Italian influences. With a most seductive lyricism, the luminous soprano voice contrasts with the deep colours of the accompaniment from which the complaint of the solo cello often stands out. 

Scherzi Musicali
Nicolas Achten
baritone , conductor , theorbo
Gwendoline Blondeel
Wei-Lian Huang
François Couperin

Première leçon du Mercredi saint

Joseph-Hector Fiocco

Première leçon du Jeudi saint

François Couperin

Troisième leçon du Mercredi saint

Joseph-Hector Fiocco

Troisième leçon du Vendredi saint

Charles-Joseph Van Helmont

Troisième leçon du Vendredi saint

Joseph-Hector Fiocco

Libera me Domine

Practical information


Cathedral of St. Michael and St. Gudula

Parvis Sainte-Gudule 1000 Brussels

Concert without interval




< 30 year


Card : Preferential Reimbursement / EU Disability