
20 Nov.'18
- 12:40


The system has taken over your life. That’s a real nuisance, especially because it is still your life after all. The system may have all kinds of reasons for taking over your life. A. Your life demands too much from the system, with the result that the system no longer functions well as such.  B. The system does not recognise your life as such. C. The system is not compatible with the way you live your life. Confiscation is not always just. The system is not watertight. You’d better not think about it too much, in the interest of a well-functioning system.

In Rompslomp, Lazarus examines the human need to create rules and the even more human need to evade those rules. And isn’t this system mostly in your own mind? Rompslomp: regularly unruly.

Marcel Osterop
Karen De Wolf
Jeroen Doise
lighting design


Secondary Education

Higher Education


Theater op de middag

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Hall M

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS


  • Dutch

The European Summit of 19 and 20 November will probably have some effects on the traffic in Brussels. We would like to ask you to anticipate on this when planning to come to BOZAR.