‘Richard Ford’

16 Feb.'16
- 20:00

Meet the writer

The legendary American author Richard Ford is of the same vintage as Charles Bukowski, John Updike and Raymond Carver. He epitomises what has come to be referred as dirty realism. Ford systematically examines the decline of American society as he portrays the average American in his own inimitable manner. The 71 year old Pulitzer Prize winner is perhaps best known for his award winning Independence Day (1995) and Canada (2012) but his novels about the all-American hero Frank Bascombe, such as his major breakthrough The Sportswriter from1986, and the recent The Lay of the Land (2014) are also classics in their own right. Ford will be interviewed by Flemish writer and critic Roderik Six.

Richard Ford will sign his latest book The Lay of the Land (2014) after the talk.
Bookselling by Waterstones (EN), Passa Porta Bookshop (NL) and Tropismes (FR). 

In addition to the encounter at BOZAR Richard Ford will be appearing in Passa Porta on 18 February and at the Foire du Livre as honorary guest on 19 February.


Practical information


Hall M

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS


  • English
