European Forum of LGBT Christian Groups

‘Remembrance service for the victims of hate crimes’

17 May →
24 Apr.'17

The European Forum of LGBT Christian Groups and BOZAR host a special event where religious leaders will speak about their commitment to peace and respect to people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. The event will close with a multi-religious remembrance service offered for the victims of hate crimes. A special attention will be given to gays in Chechnya.
This ceremony is led by Ds Wielie Elhorst.

In 2016, Rev. Wielie Elhorst was appointed by the Protestant Church of Amsterdam as Minister “with a special mission for the LGBT-community”. Wielie Elhorst is the Co-President of the European Forum of LGBT Christian Groups. For several years, this Forum has been leading the campaign called ‘Inclusive Faith’ .
Its goal is to gather the voices of religious leaders and people of faith who, despite the different stances their religious teachings take on issues of sexual and gender diversity, are ready to say that violence and hatred have no place in their traditions and institutions. In July 2016 the European Forum gained participatory status in the International NGO Conference of the Council of Europe. Elhorst has been advocating the emancipation of Christian LGBTIQQ’s since 1989. He is currently active as one of two project managers that aim for the social acceptance of LGBT Christians in The Netherlands in their respective communities. In Amsterdam he is the coordinator of the annual Gay Pride Church Service and the Pink Christmas Church Service

Practical information


BOZAR/Centre for Fine Arts

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 Brussels


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