‘Raquel Andueza & La Galanía’

5 Dec.'19
- 20:00

The lost dance

Famous Spanish folk dances such as the zarabanda, chacona, folia and canario were for a long time prohibited for their obscene and irreverent poetic content.  Nevertheless, important exponents of this poetry included renowned Spanish authors such as Cervantes, Quevedo and Lope de Vega. The lyrics have survived the ravages of time, but the music has sadly been lost. Thankfully, the Spanish musicologist Álvaro Torrente has been successful in reconstructing the dances. We are glad to see the celebrated baroque soprano Raquel Andueza and the young baroque ensemble La Galanía helping to bring the dances back.  

Raquel Andueza
Pablo Prieto
David Mayoral
Manuel Vilas
Pierre Pitzl
baroc guitar
Jesus Fernandez Baena
Jean-Baptiste Lully

'Sé que me muero', excerpt from 'Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme'

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XVIIth Century Spanish dances, with reconstructed melodies by Álvaro Torrente

Practical information


Royal Brussels Conservatory

Rue de la Régence 30 1000 Brussels

Pending general renovation works, the necessary improvement and safety works were carried out at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels. BOZAR is pleased to be able to return to this acoustic gem with several high-quality concerts.