‘Quatuor Agate - Rising Star’

8 Dec.'24
- 11:00

Concert Croissant #5

This young French quartet, chosen as ECHO Rising Stars, takes you on a journey through three different eras. The humorous quartet La plaisanterie by Joseph Haydn, amazes with its glissandi and its multiple endings, enough to turn classicists' heads. Next, the Agate Quartet performs the Belgian premiere of a brand new work by Ukrainian composer Anna Korsun. Acoustic and electronic instruments shine alongside voice and sound objects. Like Haydn, Austrian Wolfgang Erich Korngold is a representative of musical post-romanticism. His Third String Quartet marks the composer's return to more ‘serious’ music, after his successes in Hollywood. 

Rising Stars is a project of the European Concert Hall Organisation (ECHO). The Agate Quartet has been nominated by the Konzerthaus Dortmund, the Kölner Philharmonie and the Philharmonie de Paris.

Quatuor Agate
Adrien Jurkovic
Thomas Descamps
Raphaël Pagnon
Simon Iachemet
Joseph Haydn

String quartet op. 33/2, Hob.III:38

Anna Korsun

New work (commissioned by Kölner Philharmonie, Konzerthaus Dortmund, Philharmonie de Paris & European Concert Hall Organisation, Belgian premiere)

Erich Wolfgang Korngold

String Quartet no.3, op. 34


Young talents


Concert Croissant

Practical information


HLB Stage

Ravenstein 23 1000 Brussels

Breakfast Formula

Take the opportunity to enjoy a delicious breakfast (two mini croissants, jam, coffee or orange juice) at Bozar Café Victor, at the special price of €6*.

*This offer is valid on the day of the concert from 10am to 11am; by reservation only, no later than 6pm on the Friday before the concert.



14 -

Concert + Breakfast

20 -

< 30 year + Breakfast

16 -

< 30 year

10 -

Card : Preferential Reimbursement / EU Disability

10 -