‘Presentation of the new book by Verhofstadt’

12 Oct.'15
- 18:00

Europe's Disease

Guy Verhofstadt will be at the Centre for Fine Arts to present his latest book. De ziekte van Europa (en de herontdekking van het ideaal) (Europe’s Disease and the Rediscovery of the Ideal) is a powerful plea full of political anecdotes and personal stories. The Euro-parliamentarian shares his vision of contemporary problems and takes you with him behind the scenes of European power. He doesn’t seek the solution to the European crisis in the formation of a super state, but in a more efficient, more democratic Europe. For this, Verhofstadt harks back to the wise words of the founding fathers. Want to know how he goes about it? Then come along to the Centre for Fine Arts on Monday 12 October.

Practical information


Henry Le Boeuf Hall

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS

Free admission, reservations required HERE

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