Goethe-Institut Brüssel
IMAJ - Institut de la Mémoire Audiovisuelle Juive

‘Premiere: A German Life - Christian Krönes, Olaf S. Müller, Roland Schrotthofer & Florian Weigensamer’

30 Jan.'17
- 19:30

Brunhilde Pomsel, who describes herself as apolitical, worked as a shorthand typist for Joseph Goebbels, the Minster of propaganda of Nazi Germany. She is the last living person to have experienced the machinery of Nazi power from the inside and today, at 105 years of age, she is telling her story.

The directors explain that the aim of this film is to “tell the tale of sympathisers and profiteers, of those who hid or pretended not to see anything. Because these people who only thought of their own fate were the real vectors of the worst dictatorship ever.
This film proves that war and tyranny don’t come from nowhere and that you should always question your own moral position.”

Today, some people think that the fascist menace has been removed and that the risk of a war breaking out is behind us, but Brunhilde Pomsel firmly believes the contrary. A German Life forces the viewer to ask himself what he would have done and if he would be prepared to sacrifice his moral principles to get on in his career.

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Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS


  • German
  • Subtitles: English French