23 Feb.'18
- 18:00


Following a series of police crimes against black people in several cities across the United States, the world has witnessed the emergence of a generation of black American activists who have found new ways to mobilise international public opinion. Drawn from working class backgrounds, religious leaders or students, they follow in the footsteps of their elders Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks, while marking their independence from the historic civil rights movement. Who are these young people, who have seen a black man in the White House – and yet were barely entitled to vote – and see with anger that their country has not laid racism to rest?

Rokhaya Diallo is a journalist, writer and producer, whose work is marked by her engagement for equality. A television and radio host and commentator, author of investigative pieces for the written press, Rokhaya has also produced and directed several documentaries, including Networks of Hate (Les réseaux de la haine) about cyber-bullying. In 2007, she founded the anti-racist association ‘Les Indivisibles’, which aims to break down prejudice through humour. The author of several essays, including Racism: a Guide (Racisme : mode d’emploi, Larousse, 2011), she published her first comic strip in 2015, Pari(s) d’Amies (Éditions Delcourt) in collabortion with illustrator  Kim Consigny, as well as Afro! (Éditions Les Arènes) with photographer Brigitte Sombié. A winner of several awards, she received an award for her work in the ‘Journalist of the Year’ category at the 2016 European Diversity Awards in London. Since 2015, she writes articles and produces videos for #RokMyWorld, her bilingual lifestyle blog, open to the world.

Practical information



Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS


  • English French

The film screening will be followed by the debate "Black History Month in Belgium? - Part Two : What are the lessons of existing Black History Months ?"