13 July'17
- 19:00

Jos Vandenbreeden, Caroline Mierop, Eric Corijn and Christophe Terlinden

BOZAR is hosting two round-table conferences around the exhibition Brussels is a Plaizier. We’ve asked a few public figures to each choose five postcards from the Plaizier collection and give us their view on Brussels/the publishing house. These views are the jumping-off points for an interesting discussion of the Belgian capital and Plaizier’s postcards.

The conferences will be attended by Mieke en Wijnand Plaizier.

With: Jos Vandenbreeden, Caroline Mierop, Eric Corijn and Christophe Terlinden. 

Practical information


BOZAR/Centre for Fine Arts

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 Brussels


  • French Dutch

Free entrance upon presentation of your entrance ticket for the exhibition Brussels is a Plaizier