
‘Phantom Exhibition’

23 → 31

Steve Paxton

At the heart of the Centre for Fine Arts in Brussels, Phantom Exhibition lifts the veil on the fascinating universe of the dancer and choreographer Steve Paxton, a major figure of contemporary dance. 
Phantom Exhibition presents the fruit of ten years of collaboration between the artist and the Brussels publishing house Contredanse, having led to the publication of the book Gravity, and the production of a digital publication Material for the Spine – a movement study, and a videoed work. Just like a reading room, Phantom Exhibition gives you the chance to walk around, sit down and dream in the midst of books which you can take a look at, interactive tablets you can have a go with and an immersive video installation, revealing a life spent questioning gravity, this physical force which acts on each and every one of us from birth. How aware are we of this force? Can our senses perceive it? Which phenomena are at work in our verticality? Why is walking one of the major sources of dance? What can dance contribute to our culture?
Originally created in 2009, Phantom Exhibition is here presented in its new version, an invitation to the experience of the senses, singing the praises of a dance which concerns all of us.



The International Selection

Practical information


Le 23

rue Ravenstein 23 1000 Brussels

Do you want more?
25 - 29.03: Workshops @La Raffinerie (Charleroi Danse) & TicTac Art Centre
28.03 - 19:00 : Legacy transmission and sharing with Steve Paxton, Baptiste Andrien, Ray Chung, Florence Corin, Patricia Kuypers, Denise Luccioni, Charlie Morrissey, Otto Ramstad and Scott Smith.  @ La Raffinerie (Charleroi Danse)

