Association of European Journalists Belgium

‘The path to Europe’

9 May'19
- 14:00

Speed dating with think tanks for students

Brussels is home to numerous think tanks. They all feed the political debate with studies, papers, new insights and propositions. But their work often stays under the radar of the mainstream media and the general public. 
From the start of their European integration in the 50s until now, Think Tanks have accompanied the making of the EU.
When politicians take center stage to address their voters, their speeches are often based on the research conducted in think tanks. When opinion leaders or journalists write their essays or editorials, they are often inspired by reports or studies published by think tanks.
In collaboration with the Belgian section of the Association of European Journalists and the Evens Foundation, BOZAR offers some 120 students (age 16-26) the opportunity to speed date with representatives of several Think Tanks active in Brussels and working on European Affairs on Europe Day. Special attention will be given to positions taken in climate issues and prospects for sustainable development.

Practical information



Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS


  • English

If you individually, or with a group, want to register: please send an email to indicating your name and a contact address as well as the number of people you want to register. We accept on the basis of first come, first served, for all young people. All mails sent before April 30 will receive an answer and if accepted as participant, you’ll receive at the latest on the 2nd of May  a further document with more info on the participating Think Tanks. You will also get a demand to indicate your five personal preferences of Think Tanks you want to go into discussion with and meet face to face. For groups, we expect you to give by then all the individual names of the participating students you want to register.