‘Opening Night: Echo Collective’

17 Sept.'22
- 23:00

The See Within

"We are a collective, whose roots are immersed in classical music and structure, but we are also, in a way, a shadow of this world, or an echo, while projecting ourselves into its future." This is how Neil Leiter, co-founder of Echo Collective with Margaret Hermant, defines the Brussels-based ensemble. In just a few years, it has built a solid reputation in the post-classical world, with increasing numbers of collaborations with bands or artists such as A Winged Victory for the Sullen, Jóhann Jóhannsson, Stars of the Lid and Erasure. With The See Within, Echo Collective finally presents its own creations, which open a new chapter in its history; after being internationally recognised as experts in instrumental arrangement, its musicians are now entering the field of composition. Not to be missed.



  • 18h30 : Glass Museum presents “Reflection” with Yannick Jacquet (Terarken)
  • 19h30 : Anouar Brahem Quartet (Henry Le Boeuf)
  • 21h30 :​​​​​​​
    • Janne Mark with Arve Henriksen (Studio)
    • Eydis Evensen performing with String Quartet (M)
    • Glass Museum presents “Reflection” with Yannick Jacquet (Terarken)
  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​23h00 : Echo Collective – The See Within (Henry Le Boeuf)
Echo Collective

Classical Music

Electronic Music



Global Music

17 Sept.'22
- 18:00

Opening Night

Practical information


Henry Le Boeuf Hall

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS

This concert is part of the Opening Night with one festival ticket for all the concerts

