‘New York Gypsy All-Stars’

21 Apr.'17
- 00:00

 What is the secret of the New York Gypsy All-Stars who never cease to captivate audiences worldwide? Showered with praise by The New York Times, is it their hypnotic jazz, mixing the music of the Balkans, with its Turkish and Romanian accents, and Western influences, that so enthrals fans and music critics alike? Or perhaps it is Ismail Lumanovski’s Macedonian clarinet, the moving tones of which melt the hearts of his audiences? Perhaps the answer lies in the words of the band leader and clarinettist ..."We are reproducing what the Romani did: having left India for Western Europe by way of the Balkans, they brought together the best musical ideas from all of the countries on their journey. We are open to the world and we keep and bring together what we like." Only one way to know for sure: Go and see them at the Centre for Fine Arts!   

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