‘Nasha Moskva’

28 Mar.'17
- 12:40

Le Colonel Astral

After a global disaster, three survivors meet in a mental health centre. There, they discover Chekhov’s play The Three Sisters, identifying with it to the point of becoming the sisters, and also the other eleven characters. The act of delivering this performance, of playing these 14 characters as three, becomes a reflection, a study in life: three sisters, three crazy people and three actors coexist, influence each other, contaminate one another, as if to glue back the pieces of a lost humanity, as a final opportunity to exist. A work designed, directed and performed by Marie Bos, Estelle Franco and Francesco Italiano.

Bos Marie
Estelle Franco
Francesco Italiano
Guillemette Laurent
assistant drama expert
Julie Petit-Etienne
lighting design
Nicolas Mouzet-Tagawa
scenic conception

Practical information



Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS


  • French


  • Le Colonel Astral