Stichting P&V Fondation

‘My Future, Our Society’

8 May'19
- 10:00

European Conference and Debate on Political Alienation and Collective Action of Young People

Only 16% of youngsters count on politics to help them solve their problems or achieve their dreams. This feeling of political alienation was clearly present among the 2,000 young adults interviewed for the book Beyond the Narrative of Decline of Mark Elchardus (2015). For the most part, they rely on themselves, their family and a bit of luck.
However, politics loses its meaning if people do not realise that a good job, a comfortable home, a pleasant neighbourhood, safe streets, ... are strongly tied to collective conditions. 
To counter this political alienation, the P&V Foundation launched a multi-annual project My Future, Our Society to reconcile young people with social engagement and politics in the broad sense.
On the 8th of May 2019 the P&V Foundation and BOZAR organise a closing event which aims to present the experiences of different best practices, as well as to bring together researchers, experts, field practitioners, youngsters and politicians, from Belgium and abroad, to discuss and to identify policies that could help in the fight against political alienation of youngsters and the revitalisation of collective action in our society.

Discover the full programme on the website of the P&V Foundation >

Practical information


Bertouille Rotunda

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 Brussels

If you want to attend this conference, please register on the website of the P&V Foundation >

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