‘Moussem Talks’

31 Oct.'15
- 16:30

What about humanism in islam and sufism?

Moussem Talks is a series of conferences and debates on the challenges of our complex societies. We are offering the thinkers bold enough to speak about the social problems of the Arab-Muslim world a platform for dialogue with their European counterparts. For the first ever Moussem Talks, to be held on the occasion of Sufi Night on 31 October, we will be giving the floor to the spiritual leader of the Alawyia brotherhood, Sheikh Khaled Bentounès, and to Sylvain Peeters, President of deMens.nu – Unie Vrijzinnige Verenigingen vzw (an organisation of Dutch-speaking secular associations in Flanders and Brussels). Our two speakers will talk about a humanism that transcends religious faiths. Does Islam have a humanist component? Is there a degree of humanism in Sufism? The Arab-Muslim world is undergoing profound change and is subject to many different influences. It is important therefore to engage in reflection, in (self)-criticism, and to search for humanist sources in the Arab-Muslim world.

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