Brussels Academy

‘Migration and expulsions’

10 Oct.'16
- 18:30

With Saskia Sassen

The Brussels Academy will be holding a monthly ‘Agora Urban Master Class’ at the Centre for Fine Arts.

On 11 October the Dutch-American sociologist Saskia Sassen will set the ball rolling. She achieved global fame with her book The Global City published in 1991. Recently she has been researching the brutality and complexity of the global economy, the results of which can be found in the book Expulsions: Brutality and Complexity in the Global Economy (2014).

Saskia Sassen is Professor, Columbia University and is member of its Committee on Global Thought ( Her new book is Expulsions: Brutality and Complexity in the Global Economy (Harvard University Press 2014), now out in 15 languages, including Dutch (Uitstoting: Brutaliteit en complexiteit in de wereldeconomie, ACCO) and in French (Expulsions. Brutalité et complexité dans l’économie globale with Gallimard.)


Agora Urban Master Classes

Practical information



Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS


  • English

Free entrance. If you want, you can leave a contribution in the donation box at the end of the conference.
