Metatron is an interactive sound installation that mediates between people and music. With their hands, the children pump their energy into bellows. As a result, Metatron blows up and keeps rising higher and higher. At his highest point, he passes all the collected energy to organ pipes that reach for the sky and release their sounds. Music emerges, like a universal language, transcending heaven and earth. In Jewish culture, Metatron is the prophet Enoch who did not die but was taken away by God and transformed in heaven into archangel Metatron, the greatest of all angels. Having lived as a human and now as an angel, he helps humans and angels understand each other.
This installation replaces the previously planned installation 'Playground'.
Practical information
Bertouille Rotunda
Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BrusselsAudience
Kids’ Palace
Sound level
Level 2 ≤ 95 db
From 6+