‘Media literacy and the Citizen: Finding Facts in a Post Truth Era’

3 May'17
- 15:00

Digital development and social media have made the citizen an active participant of the mass media with the most common illustrations of our involvement being the ability to share, comment, and like. Does the new public influence in media come with personal accountability? Media Literacy is traditionally defined as the ability to access, analyze, evaluate and create media. However, considering how new ways of communication have revolutionized the media, should the approach and the tools we use to teach it be reformulated and adapted?

This session will gather speakers from different horizons to tackle the question, with each perspective possibly being the road to better understanding of the situation and last but not least, solutions.

Panel : Tibor Navracsics, David Buckingham, Bayan Tal, Jasper Jackson, Aline Robert (Euractiv), Eva Maydell


Difference Day 2017

Practical information



Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS


  • English

Free entrance upon registration.