Brussels Academy

‘May 68 in Brussels: from Solbosch to BOZAR’

19 Feb.'19
- 18:30

AGORA Urban Master Class with Matéo Alaluf

May ‘68, legacy and topical at the same time: We cannot reduce May '68 to a single French prism. The two decades around ‘68 testify to big changes and profound disagreements in Europe and the world. Matéo Alaluf will deal with “The Belgian May” by situating it in this movement. Events from Leuven to the ULB, the Insas, the IAD, La Cambre and BOZAR are some of the subjects which are considered, by confronting their development with different readings of ‘68 and the movements and social conflicts of today.

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Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS


  • French


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