‘Maxim Bernard’

12 June'16
- 11:00

In 2016, we are half-way through the centenary commemorations of the First World War. The "war to end all wars" is being remembered in a great variety of ways, by political leaders, museums, educational systems, and artists. And by musicians too. The Canadian pianist Maxim Bernard makes his contribution in a programme he has put together of music from the years 1914–1918, illustrating the role of the First World War as a moment of rupture. Composers such as Rakhmaninov and Medtner still looked back nostalgically to a romanticised past, while Bartók and Hindemith looked ahead. Bernard presents a wide-ranging programme of strong and contrasting emotions and moods.

Maxim Bernard
Sergei Rachmaninov

Etude-tableau, op. 39/1

Gabriel Fauré

Nocturne n° 12, op. 107

Béla Bartók

Romanian Folk Dances, BB68/Sz56

Paul Hindemith

In einer Nacht (selection)

Alexander Skryabin

Vers la flamme, op. 72

Maurice Ravel

Le tombeau de Couperin

Practical information


Henry Le Boeuf Hall

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS
