6 Nov.'16

Katrien Oosterlinck

You close your eyes ... Rain falls on your head, hands kneed your shoulders, a snake zigzags across your back, your arm is squeezed out like toothpaste from a tube. You open them again ... Yellow spheres around your head, green rectangles on your shoulders, a red line down your spine, blue triangles round your arms.

People taking part in MASSAGE/COLLAGE give each other a short massage on circular carpets. Instructions appear on the screen in the form of drawings, and a guide demonstrates the massage movements. You give shape to the sensations by placing stickers on craft paper. The collages become a colourful collection of experiences. MASSAGE/COLLAGE is a safe installation involving image, sound and a guide who brings you in contact with your body and each other. An oasis of calm in an otherwise bustling BIG BANG festival.

Practical information


Reception Room

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS