‘Marlis Petersen & Stephan Matthias Lademann’
Past event
15 Nov.'21
- 20:00
Marlis Petersen is a popular singer in the largest opera houses. It's no coincidence that in 2020, she was hailed 'Singer of the Year' by the German magazine Opernwelt for the fourth time in her career, something no one had done before. She even excels in the song genre. With the excellent pianist Stefan Matthias Lademann, she takes you on an imaginary journey to the depths of the soul, exploring the mysterious realm of the unconscious, the night, visions and dreams. Giving us a rendition of the beautiful romantic and fin de siècle songs, she tries to give an insight into the inexplicable stirrings of the deepest inner self, from sweet thoughts to the deepest suffering.
Signing session after the concert.
Träume (Wesendonck Lieder), op. 91/5
Seele (5 Lieder, op. 23)
Die Nacht, op. 10/3
Nachtwandler, op. 86/3
Die Nacht
Seliges Vergessen, op. 9/2
Schmied Schmerz, op. 51/6
Ruhe, meine Seele, op. 27/1
Der Tod, das ist die kühle Nacht, op. 96/1
Nachtigall, sie singt so schön, op. 52/15
Verzagen, op. 72/4
Lasst mich ruhen
Après un rêve, op. 7/1
A Chloris
Chanson triste
Notre amour
Läuterung, op. 18
Practical information
Henry Le Boeuf Hall
Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS