15 Dec.'17
- 16:00

Are You Web Fest?


Sometimes Loulou takes the pill, sometimes she doesn’t. The result: Loulou is pregnant. Fortunately, her three best friends are there to accompany her everywhere, from the freak-out breastfeeding club to the photo session that descends into farce.

Creation: Alice Vial, Louise Massin, Marie Lelong
Direction: Fanny Sidney
Scenario: Alice Vial, Marie Lelong, Géraldine de Margerie
Production: La Onda Productions, Arte Creative
With: Louise Massin, Alice Vial, Marie Lelong, Guillaume Pottier, David Chenaud
Arte Creative - 2017
Format: 10 x 6min
Language: French
Country: France


Are You Web Fest?

Practical information

To attend Talks & Meetups, you must purchase ARE YOU SERIES PASS 15€ / 10€ (-26, unemployed,..). 
The pass is valid for all the activities.