‘L'Occident Ambigu’

13 Nov.'17
- 20:00

Hamidou Sall in conversation with In Koli Jean Bofane, Elizabeth Tchoungui and Lilian Thuram

« Which lesson can we draw from the ambiguous adventure of the encounter of our people with those who imposed themselves through the force and violence of history? Or simply put,  which lesson is to be drawn from colonization?» This question was central to the renowned  novel by Cheikh Hamidou Kane, L’Aventure Ambigüe, published in 1961, and equally permeates in the passionate essay recently published by Hamidou Sall, L’Occident Ambigu.
Hamidou Sall is the nephew of Cheick Hamidou Kane, writer and poet form Senegal, and he pursues here the fundamental reflection started in the wave of the Independences of Africa. As spiritual son of Leopold Sedar Senghor and Aimé Césaire, he analyses the current decadence of the West and the redeeming role that Africa could play alongside the Old Continent.

​During this literary evening, Sall invites us to share his reflection and participate in an exchange with Congolese author In Koli Jean Bofane and Lilian Thuram , former football player and president of Fondation Lilian Thuram - Education contre le racisme. The actress Bwanga Pilipili, accompanied by kora player Mamadou Dramé, will read some extracts of the book L’Occident ambigu.
The evening will be moderated by Elisabeth Tchoungui, French-Cameroonian journalist, producer and writer.

Hamidou Sall
Hamidou Sall has been for 12 years Special Councillor of the General Secretary de la Francophonie in Paris. He currently runs an European Foundation dedicated to the dialogue among Europe and Africa and to the promotion of culture and education.

In Koli Jean Bofane
Born in 1954 in the Democratic Republic of Congo and residing in Belgium, In-Koli Jean Bofane received numerous literary prizes. With the publication of his novel Mathématiques congolaises (ed. Actes Sud 2008) he became internationally well-known. In 2014 he publishes Congo Inc. - Le Testament de Bismarck which was awarded the Prix des 5 Continents de la Francophonie His works have been translated in the US, in Germany, in Brazil, in Korea and in Slovenia.

Élizabeth Tchoungui
Born Washington DC, USA, in 1974, Élizabeth Tchoungui is a writer, journalist and television presenter for the French television. She is currently director of the department of News, Arts, Music and Literature of France ô channel. In 2010, she publishes Bamako Climax that won the Prize Orange du Livre.

Lilian Thuram
Born in Guadalupe in 1972, Lilian Thuram sought a prestigious career as an  international football player. He is World Champion in 1988 and European Champion in 2000. In 2008 at the age of 36, he puts an end to his professional sports career and he sets up the Fondation Lilian Thuram - Éducation contre le racisme. Since then, he has carried on several actions all over the world in order to fight racism and other forms of discrimination. Recently he was named Doctor Honoris Causa at the University of Stockholm.




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