Live Magazine
Fondation Benoit

‘Live Magazine’

25 Apr.'17
- 20:00

The “living magazine” without paper or screen

Ten journalists and writers from the other side of the world and from close to home are preparing to tell their dramatic and unique story. The story that changed their life. There will be love, humour, politics and excitement in this new edition of Live Magazine. As always, the content will be new and unique: stories that are sometimes funny, sometimes crazy and in most cases fundamental for those who tell them.

Voice, sound and image. Thoughts, rhythms, reflections. The bizarre and the poignant. The evening will not be filmed or recorded. To experience it you have to be there. You will leave with the certainty that one of the stories spoke directly to you.   

There are still tales to tell at Live Magazine.

Practical information


Hall M

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS


  • French

Info & tickets: +32 (0) 507 82 00 


  • Agence France Presse (AFP)