Les Grandes Conférences Catholiques


19 Oct.'20 →
17 June'21

Our 2020-2021 season programme marks the 90th anniversary of our forum.

Since 1931, the Grandes Conférences Catholiques have pursued the same aim: to make the voices of men and women who have defined their era in their respective fields heard, and to contribute to the development of Brussels, capital of Europe and Belgium, as a place of intellectual exchange and influence.

Next season’s programme reflects this ambition. I am announcing it with confidence as well as caution.
With confidence, because I know the faithful commitment of our members and of a wider audience to the project that our forum promotes. This ambitious project, which this season celebrates its 90th anniversary, cannot be achieved without your support. We do not receive any public subsidies.
With caution, because the fulfilment of this programme depends entirely on the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic. We will of course follow the recommendations of the relevant authorities for our conferences. We hope that the public health measures applicable at the time of each of our conferences, as yet unknown to us, will enable us to hold them safely. We will undoubtably have to adapt.
With the technical support of the Palais des Beaux-Arts, we will also ensure that each of our conferences is broadcast online with secure and personal access for our subscribers. Our subscribers who would prefer not to go out on certain evenings will be able to attend the conference via a personal access code linked to the email address they have provided.

Emmanuel Cornu

Practical information

If you wish to renew your subscription, or if you have never been a subscriber, you can subscribe by contacting the secretariat of Grandes Conférences Catholiques via
gcc@grandesconferences.be or by phone 02 543 70 99  (every day of the week from 9AM to 12AM)