A+ Architecture in Belgium
Belgian price for Architecture

‘Lecture by Stephen Bates’

7 Oct.'15
- 20:00


In the context of the Belgian Prize for Architecture 2015

Designing is a process in which general thoughts on architecture grind against the specificity of a place and an assignment. The English architect Stephen Bates, from the London-based practice Sergison Bates Architects, discusses in his lecture ‘Dwelling’ how his practice deals with this tension. Their projects explore themes as durability, habitat and comfort, the commonplace and the ‘other’. In Belgium Sergison Bates recently finished a care home in Huise-Zingem, while in the UK they were distinguished with the London RIBA Award for their design for the Hult International Business School.

Stephen Bates is a member of the jury for the Belgian Prize for Architecture 2015.


Practical information


Hall M

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS