A+ Architecture in Belgium

‘Lecture by Jürg Conzett’

9 Mar.'15
- 00:00

Jürg Conzett is a first-rate bridge builder, literally. The engineer worked for Peter Zumthor for seven years before setting up his own company in 1988. Since then he has been concentrating on infrastructure design and has designed some of Switzerland’s most beautiful bridges, including the pedestrian bridge of Traversina and the rotating Milchbrücke in Vals. In Belgium Conzett is known for his work on the Coupure in Bruges, constructed in 2002 when the city was the European Capital of Culture. Conzett often collaborates with architectural firms such as Miller & Maranta, Bearth & Deplazes and Markus Peter. BOZAR ARCHITECTURE and A+ Architecture in Belgium have invited him to talk about his work.

Download the visitor's guide Jürg Conzett

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  • Concrete Design Competition
  • LOCI
  • UCL - Unité d'architecture et d'ingénierie architecturale