A+ Architecture in Belgium

‘Lecture by Go Hasegawa’

19 Nov.'19
- 20:00

Go Hasegawa established the Go Hasegawa & Associates office in Tokyo in 2005. He quickly completed a series of notable projects on a domestic scale, paying great attention to detail and proportion. His approach is both contemporary and deeply rooted in Japanese tradition.
He has also taught as a visiting professor at several international institutions, including the Harvard University Graduate School of Design and obtained a PhD from the Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2015.

The Japanese office has received numerous awards in Japan and abroad, and regularly participates in exhibitions around the world, such as the 13th edition of the Venice Biennale of Architecture (2012) or alongside the Brussels office OFFICE kgdvs at the Canadian Centre for Architecture (2017).

On 19 November 2019, A+ Architecture in Belgium and BOZAR are pleased to invite Go Hasegawa, icon of the Japanese architectural scene, to give a lecture at the Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels.

Practical information


Henry Le Boeuf Hall

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS


  • English