Archives d'Architecture Moderne

‘Lecture by François Chaslin’

8 Dec.'15
- 20:00

L'Affaire Le Corbusier

The publication of a few books led to a major controversy in France relating to Le Corbusier’s alleged Fascist sympathies. François Chaslin is the man behind Un Corbusier, the book that created quite a storm. In this talk at BOZAR the architect and critic looks back on the controversy and paints a detailed portrait of the French-Swiss architect. This year it is 85 years since the third International Congress of Modern Architecture (CIAM III) took place in the Centre for Fine Arts in Brussels. It was on this occasion that Le Corbusier presented his Radiant City to the general public.

The lecture will be animated by Francis Strauven; architect and architectural historian. He taught at the University of Ghent and has published several books on modern architecture in Belgium and The Netherlands.

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Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS