Fondation Royaumont, Centre de la Voix

‘Le Caravansérail’

27 Sept.'18
- 20:00

François Couperin, master of the profound emotion

François Couperin loved transparency of the highest order. His music is finely honed with the greatest attention to detail. Even the ornamentations and the unendingly rich and expressive nuances are faithfully written out. Couperin's fervent love of Bach – an admiration that was mutual – can be seen in the way that he is able to conjure a full composition from the merest motif. Such refinement is meat and drink to Le Caravansérail. Artistic director and harpsichordist Bertrand Cuiller possesses the rare gift of the ability to couple great virtuosity with an honest and intimate approach to the keyboard. Sopranos Rachel Redmond and Maïlys de Villoutreys do full justice to the rich colouring of Couperin's poignant Leçons de ténèbres.


Bertrand Cuiller
Rachel Redmond
Maïlys de Villoutreys
Isabelle Saint-Yves
viola da gamba
François Couperin

Leçons de Ténèbres, Première leçon

François Couperin

Deuxième ordre, excerpts (Premier livre de pièces de clavecin)

François Couperin

Leçons de Ténèbres, Deuxième leçon

Marin Marais

Tombeau pour Monsieur de Lully

François Couperin

Leçons de Ténèbres, Troisième leçon

Practical information


Protestant Chapel

Place du Musée 1000 Brussels