
‘Latin American Cartographies’

19 May →
15 Aug.'17

Art, Social Cohesion and Urban Landscapes

This exhibition is a visual laboratory, a journey into the realities of a vibrant continent through different points of view and mediums: from video to sounds or installations. Artists, cultural platforms and activists are today at the forefront of generating new perspectives around violence, learning, memory, resilience or mobility. What critical role can they play in their urban contexts? In El Salvador, they organised a football game between the former army and the guerrilla members. Peruvian activists display the city as a non-formal learning space. A Mexican collective critically explores how a Belgian architect contributed to Medellín’s urban development in the 1920s. Brazil based artists propose a new city questioning waste and water management, accessibility and mobility. From Colombia, activists and artists place the issue of the air at the heart of resilient cities. It is part of the EU project ‘LAIC – Culture and Arts Supporting Social Cohesion in Latin American Cities’, developed by Interarts and BOZAR and funded by DG DEVCO of the European Commission.

Works by The Fire Theory, Bijari, La Ciudad Verde,, LAALvaca, Método Salgari, Oscar Leone Moyano, Dália Rosenthal, Federico Martínez Montoya, Fernando Escobar, Charlotte Charbonnel, Deúniti, Goto, Mister Basurama, Cine de Plano, Guillermo Araujo, Maximiliano Nulchis Graffitti, Gris Perú, EPA!,, Cartografías del Azar, Regina José Galindo, Humberto Vélez, Raquel van Haver.

Curator: Antonio José Guzman
Scientific Committee: Paul Dujardin, Mercedes Giovinazzo, Toni Cots (LAIC Project Coordinator), Sophie Lauwers and Conrado Uribe (LAIC expert)

Practical information


BOZAR/Centre for Fine Arts

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 Brussels

Opening hours
Tue - Sun, 10 am - 6 pm (14.07.2017, 10 am - 5 pm)
Thu, 10 am - 9 pm (Till 6 pm from 21.07 till 15.08) 
Closed on Monday