‘La Théorie du Y’

15 Dec.'17
- 16:50

Are You Web Fest?


La Théorie du Y tells the story of Anna, aged 24. In a relationship with Matteo for the past few years, she’s just landed her first job and is following the path that has been set out for her. Until the moment she meets Claire, who will shake everything up. A shared kiss will wake up Anna’s ghosts and the past loves that she had forced herself to forget… Anna then decides to face up to the questions that are tormenting her. 

Creation, scenario and direction: Caroline Taillet et Martin Landmeters 
Production: RTBF Webcreation et Roue Libre Prod 
With: Léone François, Colin Javaux, Ophélie Honoré, Salim Talbi
RTBF Interactive - 2017
Format: 11 x 8min 
Language: French 
Pays: Belgium


Are You Web Fest?

Practical information


  • French
  • Subtitles: English

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