When klezmer music becomes world music
Kroke was formed in 1992 by three friends: Tomasz Kukurba, Jerzy Bawoł and Tomasz Lato. Graduates of the Academy of Music in Kraków, but also research artists, they have not shied away from experimenting with jazz and contemporary music. Initially associated with klezmer music, the group has since moved on to a variety of genres. The artists are inspired by ethnic music from all over the world. In this way, Kroke creates its own unique style that floats across borders, forms and time, which has not only been noticed by audiences, but also appre-ciated by artists from all over the world. Steven Spielberg, delighted by Kroke's concert, invited the band to Je-rusalem to perform at the survivors' reunion ceremony. Thanks to Peter Gabriel, the band took part in the WOMAD festival in the UK. Their song Secrets of The Life Tree is featured on the soundtrack of David Lynch's film Inland Empire. In recent years, the group has also collaborated with Nigel Kenne-dy, Anna Maria Jopek, Edyta Gep-pert, Talila, Tomasz Stańko, Maja Sikorowska, Krzysztof Herdzin, the Norwegian group Tindra, the Spanish violinist Diego Galaz, the Mongolian singer Urna Chahar Tugchi and the Sinfonietta Cracovia orchestra. They have performed at some of the world's most prestigious music festivals.
Practical information
Hall M
Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS