‘Kazakh State String Quartet’

17 May'19
- 19:00

The Kazakh State String Quartet is a unique musical ensemble that invites their listener to the eclectic world of classical music. This time not only composers from Europe will be presented, but also the quartet will share a glimpse of Kazakh Classical Music that is so rarely presented in the West. The Kazakh State String Quartet has already performed in various famous halls around the world, however it would be their first performance in Brussels. The first half of the program will comprise of romantic composers such as Haydn and Mendelssohn, The second part would be led by Kazakh classical music. The aim of this concert is to present the auditory of Brussels with Classical music from Central Asia that has been already received with standing ovations in various corners of the world. The Quartet has already existed for more than thirty years and has proven to enjoy the highest level of appreciation in their region for many years. It has been led and endorsed by interesting personalities such as Professor Berlinsky (from the most famous Russian Quartet Borodin) and Professor Rainer Schmidt with whom they also worked in Switzerland. The event is made in collaboration with Kazakh Embassy and Charity organization Stichting S.Y. All of the revenue made from the tickets will be donated to support education of young classical music talents from developing states

Practical information



Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS